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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Module 1 Video 01 Assignment 1

Module 1 Video 01 Assignment 1

Q Introduction to Soc: Video One Assignment Basics: We are going to watch the video linked to below and respond with two paragraphs. WHY: I chose this video to show you Sociology in action at the beginning of our class, NOT specifically for the content. The "race/ethnicity" video will come later. Sociology can (and will) be applied to families, education, politics, and so on. Here we will apply Sociology to whiteness. Watch it and consider all the aspects of Chapters 1 and 2 to this movie. Consider issues of Conflict and Functional theory, culture, case studies, Symbolic Interactionism, research methods, macro/micro research, and so on. Hint for the quiz: This whole video is powerful, but for me, the best part is the last ten minutes. Link White Like Me Links to an external site. Take good notes from the White Like Me video, and respond to interesting items from it with two paragraphs (one paragraph per each item). Info from this video will also be in the quiz and can be used for your midterm/ final/research papers. More comments on this assignment will be in the Mod 01 area. Here's a video I use to intro Soc 320: Add a paragraph on this video for 10 bonus points: The link goes to the first of three videos in the set. They are all fine, but I recommend the third one. Race, the Power of an Illusion: The House We Live In.Links to an external site.

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I would first like to start off by saying how powerful this video was for me. This video was extremely informative and very relatable. The first interesting fact that stood out to me was how the very first law passed by Congress - “the naturalization act of 1790” - stated that only free white persons can become a citizen of this country, (meaning our very first law automatically gave white people privileges based off their skin color that other immigrants couldn't have because of their skin colors). This fact stood out to me because of the powerful message behind it, being racism. This law started our nation’s foundation on being racist and only seeing color.